
Vesta midi cu revere si buzunare Midi vest with lapels and pockets

Original price was: 590.00 lei.Current price is: 290.00 lei.

Vesta midi cu revere si buzunare are o linie de constructie clasica. Realizata din tafta cu cordoane lungi care au rolul de a marca talia si buzunare laterale, aceasta vesta poate fi purtatat atat sub forma de rochie, atunci cand este petrecuta si cordoanele prinse, cat si sub forma de vesta atunci cand este deschisa.

The midi vest with lapels and pockets has a classic construction line. Made of taffeta with long cords that have the role of marking the waist and side pockets, this vest can be worn both as a dress, when it is worn with the cords fastened, and as a vest when it is open.

  • midi lenght
  • marked waist
  • pockets

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SKU: 9647 Categories: , , , Tags: , ,


  • 35% cotton
  • 65% polyester
  • 30 degrees machine wash

Delivery time: 7 working days